Studying psychology, not feeling represented, and doing something about it!

Episode Overview
Welcome back to a new series of What about us? In this episode, Jolel, a lecturer in psychology, talks about his journey to completing an undergraduate degree, PhD, and becoming a lecturer as a first-generation student. We discuss what it is like to study psychology to learn about yourself and your family, only to learn that psychology is overwhelmingly white, meaning that you do not hear stories or see faces that mirror your own.
"I was full of dread: 'I don't know if I'm making the right decision because I'm leaving work, something that my family knows is a system that works for us. University is only for clever people, or people who are not like us. We are the working class - that's our future.'"
About Dr Jolel Miah
Current Role: Lecturer in Psychology
Episode Title: Studying psychology, not feeling represented, and doing something about it!
Episode #: Series 3: Episode 1
Link to Episode:
Jolel is currently a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Sunderland and a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society. He is a British-born Bangladeshi who left high school with 3C’s but later embarked on a journey to become a first-generation student with a BSc in Psychology, MSc in Health Psychology, and a PhD in Applied Psychology. In 2014 he founded a mental health charity ‘Our Minds Matter, and in 2019 he started a podcast ‘Psychology Cast’. Today he continues with his efforts for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for access to higher education and mental health care.
"Of course you can change things. If you don't change then we might as well all give up. We might as well close the hospitals, and close the education systems and not go to work, you know? This is dangerous and destructive thinking."
Social Links
Twitter: @drjolel
Linkedin: jolelmiah
Instagram : @drjolel
TikTok : @drjolel