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S2 / E2 - Dr Sabinah Janally & Khayti Patel


Success Story from the University of Bath BAME Mentoring Scheme

Episode Overview

In this episode, we are joined by Dr Sabinah Janally (Mentor) and Khyati Patel (Mentee) on the BAME Mentor Scheme set up at the University of Bath mentoring scheme for aspiring clinical psychologist from ethnic minority backgrounds. We showcase the importance of the mentoring scheme and how it can help transform and diversify the Clinical Psychology profession.

Sabinah: “One of the main drives for me to be a mentor was actually acknowledging how difficult it really is to be an ethnic minority, in not only just in the UK, but also trying to break through clinical psychology having my own personal experiences of having to overcome a number of barriers...”
Khyati: “My second mentor [Sabinah] shares very similar chapters of my life, and today we spent time exploring our cultural, personal, and professional identities. I’m so thankful for this opportunity, because finally I feel heard, seen, and represented. We have different boats made from the same brown wood, weathered the same storms, but she’s gotten to land, and now she’s looking back and lending me a hand to make it to shore, and for that I’m grateful.”

About Dr Sabinah Janally & Khayti Patel

Current Role: Mentor and Mentee on the University of Bath BAME Mentor Scheme

Episode Title: Success Story from the University of Bath BAME Mentoring Scheme

Episode #: Series 2: Episode 2

Dr Sabinah Janally is a Clinical Psychologist working in an adult inpatient hospital in Bristol. Sabinah recently joined a newly formed racial equity and inclusion team on the Exeter DClin course. Her role involves co-leading the Breaking Through mentoring scheme for aspiring clinical psychologists from ethnic minority backgrounds, as well as leading on Amplify Trainee mentoring scheme for ethnic minority DClin trainees. Sabinah has a strong interest in race based traumatic stress, leadership and systemic practices.

Khyati Patel is a trainee Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner at Swindon LIFT Psychology and studying at Exeter University. Previously, Khyati has worked as a substance misuse worker in Bath and North East Somerset. Her interests include domestic violence, trauma, and accessibility of mental health services for BAME communities. Khyati is also a mentor for Sweet Mango Sisters, an initiative set up to support South Asian women experiencing professional and workplace barriers. In addition to this, Khyati has recently joined the Board of Trustees for YMCA Brunel as the first brown, youngest and second female of the board.

Social Links

Twitter - @AmplifyTrainee

Twitter - @KhyPatel7

Instagram - @sweetmangosisters


Addressing the unmet needs if BAME trainees through a system of mentoring (Clinical Psychology Forum, July 2020)

Still I Rise – A reflective piece on two ethnic minority clinical psychologist’s leadership Journeys (Clinical Psychology Forum, March 2021)


WAoC (Women Adventurers of Colour) – Instagram & Facebook – this is a platform for women of colour who are based in the South West of England to explore the great outdoors together.

Episode Links

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