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S1 / E4 - Dr Norah O’Shea


Clinician Reflective Journey: Experiences of Racism & Social Class Differences

Episode Overview

In this episode, we talk to Dr Norah O’Shea who talks about her personal journey into Clinical Psychology which includes experiences of racism, discrimination, and social class differences. Norah also discusses her experience of working with diverse communities.

“…Having to cope with the constant sense of being different, which I embrace my difference, I think now I do, but it’s hard to keep facing it [racism] all the time when you’re trying to train in a caring profession...”
“…So I think there needs to be more people [clinicians] who are different and from diverse backgrounds and for it to be more inclusive so that people can see themselves reflected back.”

About Dr Norah O’Shea

Current Role: Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Later Life Psychology Lead

Episode Title: Clinician Reflective Journey: Experiences of Racism & Social Class Differences

Episode #: Series 1: Episode 4

Dr Norah O’Shea previously worked as an Older Adult Psychology Lead in Wiltshire, where she was very involved in neuropsychological assessment and memory services. Currently, Norah has taken on the role as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist working as a Later Life Psychology Lead for the North Somerset Later Life Therapies Service, with some trust wide responsibility for older adult psychology.

“My socioeconomic difference between me and others [clinicians] felt as strong as my racial difference…”

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