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S1 / E12 - Myira Khan


Importance of Representation in Mental Health Care

Episode Overview

In this episode, we are joined by Myira Khan who shares her journey within the profession. Myira discusses the importance of representation, as well the barriers within counselling. This includes inequalities experienced by both people of colour aspiring to access psychological training programmes, and service users accessing culturally inclusive therapy.

“The biggest shift, for me, that we can make in training is to absolutely move away from a normative position of White, middle aged, middle class, and therefore then working with difference and diversity is that process of othering anybody else. Moving from that position of normative, into a position of every single one of us, who works within diversity… will be working with a client who will have a different lived experience and social context to us…”

About Myira Khan

Current Role: Counsellor, Supervisor, Therapeutic Coach, Trainer and Founder of the Muslim Counsellor and Psychotherapist Network (MCAPN)

Episode Title: Importance of Representation in Mental Health Care

Episode #: Series 1: Episode 12

Myira Khan is an accredited counsellor, coach, supervisor and trainer in private practice. As the founder of the Muslim Counsellor and Psychotherapist Network (MCAPN), Myira set up a platform which offers support, continual professional development opportunities, and raises visibility of Muslim practitioners. Myira represents the diversity within the therapeutic professions by promoting counselling to Muslim and under-represented communities. Myira was awarded the Mental Health Hero Award in 2015.

“My lived experience of being a Muslim practitioner, a visible Muslim practitioner, wearing the hijab… being a student or trainee counsellor, and being the only person of colour on the training course, and there being absolutely no person of colour on either the teaching team… as well the people at my placement…”

Social Links

Twitter - @myira_khan

Twitter - @MCAPN_CO_UK

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